Are you immune from covid-19if you’ve already been infected? Infections like measles and smallpox you only have once. This is not true for others such...
This year’s Oscar’s Book Prize shortlist was made up of: Tad by Benji Davies The Suitcase by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros A Mouse Called Julian by Joe Todd Stanton Alphonse,...
According to Smithsonian Magazine, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was the first food art artist in the modern era, as he used the preparation and consumption of...
The Arctic tundra can be found in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Most of the region is found within the Arctic Circle and above the...
A large percentage of African millennials are currently being raised abroad. There are many reasons for this,but majority centre around education and economic reasons. African...
According to new research by scientists at Cambridge University, an alternating 80-day cycle should be introduced until 2022. The strategy they say, is based on...