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Racist Threat Made Against David Lammy on Twitter

David Lammy

David Lammy the British the Labour MP has asked Twitter to be “much faster at stamping out racist threats and abuse” after receiving a threat on platform.

The black  justice secretary posted a screenshot of a message he received in which a Twitter user said he would “hang from a lamppost” if he “wasn’t careful”.

The black  justice secretary posted a screenshot of a message he received in which a Twitter user said he would “hang from a lamppost” if he “wasn’t careful”.

Responding to abusive tweet, Lammy replied: “Vile racists like you will not silence me.

“But social media must not be a platform for threats and abuse.”

On Sunday he reported the threat to the Metropolitan Police, who have since started an investigation on the  “allegation of malicious communication”.

The following day the MP called on Twitter to act quickly, addressing its CEO, Jack Dorsey, directly.

But the social media platform did not act until Monday when it suspended the user’s account, prompting home secretary Priti Patel to call for “decisive action” against abuse on the site.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer also condemned the abuse, saying: “Social media platforms must be quicker at taking action against hate.

“Racism has no place online or anywhere in our society.”

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